news - Albert Heijn wins new Partnership Award


Albert Heijn wins new Partnership Award

4 december 2013

Albert Heijn and Icco won the Best New Partnership Award during The Partnership Election on Thursday. Interface and ZSL went home with the award for Best Existing Partnership.  The event took place on 29 November 2013 at De Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, and was organized by The Punchy Pack, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NCDO and FMO. The competition challenges young professionals through partnerships to set up a business plan in a developing economy. The incentive to participate was high this year, said Chantal Inen, founder of The Punchy Pack. "Across all categories of 22 cases were filed."

Albert Heijn

In the new corporate partnerships, the five-man jury, among which was FMO's Ruurd Brouwer, ultimately liked the proposal from Albert Heijn and Icco best. The collaboration aims to connect the chain of Albert Heijn and small avocado farmers from the north of South Africa '' In those regions avocados are grown early, so that we can forward the season and can pick'', says Jutta Rheenen of Albert Heijn.

The small farmers in cooperation with ICCO locally trained and forged into a strong organization. Partner Westfalia makes its technical expertise available so the care of trees and irrigation can be optimized. Rheenen:'' We would like to preserve the chain. The farmers are thus stronger in their role as provider.''

Jury chairman Jeroen Roodenburg praised the plan for the effective integration of sustainability into the business model. '' This proposal grown products are more durable. It changes the whole chain.'' The prize consisted of an initial capital of EUR 2,500 and a consultation of development bank FMO.

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