news - FMO founding father of Greenport Holland International


FMO founding father of Greenport Holland International

4 oktober 2012

As of 1 October 2012, FMO has become a Founding Father of the Greenport Holland International (GHI) foundation. GHI is an independent organisation, set up by Greenport Holland and the Dutch horticultural industry with the mission to enhance the quality of international horticulture through successful international horticultural projects. The Dutch horticulture sector is regarded worldwide as an industry leader that sets the standards others follow. However future growth in the horticulture sector will take place in a fragmented fashion on different continents. In order to be able to benefit from these international opportunities, companies working in all areas of Dutch horticulture decided to join forces by setting up GHI in the spring of 2011.  

In a world where the population continues to grow, where food supply, water, health, sustainability and the environment are highly contemporary topics, innovative horticultural projects have a major role to play and the Dutch horticulture industry is ideally placed to react to the challenges of the future. The sector possesses the know-how required to improve quality in the many production areas in the world and as The Netherlands horticultural sector is a leading force in sustainability, this knowledge will also be made available for new production areas and projects.

Through the Facility Emerging Markets, FMO is already cooperating with a number of Founding Fathers and by joining this initiative FMO can further contribute to the worldwide expansion of the Dutch horticultural sector.