news - Eme Essien Lore joins FMO’s Supervisory Board


Eme Essien Lore joins FMO’s Supervisory Board

24 april 2024

FMO, the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, is pleased to announce the appointment of our new Supervisory Board member, Eme Essien Lore.

The appointment took place at the 54th Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (”FMO”). At the same meeting, Dugald Agble, Marjolein Demmers, and Reintje van Haeringen, all current members of the Supervisory Board, were reappointed for a second term of 4 years.

YW-SB Portrait Eme-101

Eme is a seasoned development finance professional with over 24 years of experience. Her professional career includes management roles at organizations such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group and the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2021, after overseeing IFC’s investment and advisory activities in Nigeria as the country head, Eme took on independent roles as advisor, consultant, and board member. Next to a high level of financial and economic expertise, specifically related to risk matters in emerging markets and economies, Eme specializes in impact investing, corporate governance, and organizational health, with specific attention to diversity & inclusion. Eme will take a seat in the Audit & Risk Committee and in the Impact Committee.

On her appointment, Eme commented: “I am excited to put my experience and expertise to work for FMO, one of the leading bilateral development finance institutions. Supporting growth and achieving impact targets is my professional focus. With a background in finance on the African continent, I am a strong believer in a People-Planet-Profits agenda, focusing attention on social and environmental issues, as well as on financial returns, to make impact last.’’

Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chair of FMO’s Supervisory Board: “Eme’s experience in development finance, her deep understanding of risk in emerging market finance, as well as her focus on diversity & inclusion, will provide valuable insights as a member of FMO’s Supervisory Board. We are looking forward to welcoming Eme to our team and together guide and advise FMO on the implementation of its 2030 Strategy.’’