According to research company Effectory and VNU Media, FMO ranks first among its peers in the financial sector. This group consists of small and large (multinational) banks, insurance companies and financial consultants.
Overall FMO achieved the 8th position in the category Companies with less than 1,000 employees. The ‘Best Employer Award 2012’ in this category went to Geas Energiewacht, which we congratulated whole heartedly.
the award
The Best Employer Award is granted by the research company Effectory for the 11th time. A total of 269 organizations took part in the 2012 survey and more than 130.000 people responded. To get qualified, an average score of at least 7.5 was required. FMO scored an average of 8.1. This resulted in the initial nomination.
why did we rank so high?
At FMO people are committed to our mission and feel personally involved. This is what makes the difference. Academic research shows that companies that have a clear mission and stick to that, will last longer. That is exactly what we do at FMO.
During the presentation of the awards we were mentioned as a good example of how social responsibility in the financial sector can lead to higher employee satisfaction.